/ Nick Lefeber

Nick Lefeber

Redwoods Resident 2014
Vice PresidentIntegrated Kidney Care & Patient Education

I always knew I wanted to work in health care services where your day-to-day has a meaningful impact on patients. When I visited DaVita, I saw an organization that was continually innovating to advance care and improve outcomes. The culture of innovation combined with the high caliber people I would get to work alongside every day, put DaVita at the top of my list.

The most impactful project I’ve worked on was when we began operating value-based contracts. It was important that we could identify, at scale, the patients who were at the greatest risk of being admitted to the hospital. Our teammates in the clinic know our patients the best and can oftentimes identify when a patient needs support better than any data that we had. So, we built a system that scaled across our 3,000 clinics that would allow our clinic teammates to escalate urgent patient needs to centralized care teams for further support.

My advice to candidates: DaVita is a very collaborative environment and you will work with all types of teammates, from clinic teammates to senior executives. It is critical to understand your audience and tailor your message appropriately.

I am a graduate from The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

Fun fact: During high school, I finished in third place in the Wiffle Ball World Championships.

DaVita Journey: Redwood Summer Associate > Redwoods Resident > Sr. Director > Vice President